muscles4851 wrote:
There is a new manager in charge at Haddington in the Celtic league. In one of his first turns he has sold two players for cash on the transfer list. It is my understanding that both these players have added potential.
My questions are
1. Have UE explained to the new manager the value of a pot player?
2. Why we're the sales allowed to go through.
3. Should Ue, in new player starter packs explain to new players that most deals are done with swaps?
4. Could there be a system to stop big players being sold for a couple of turns to prevent a new player from selling his best when he doesn't really know what he's doing?
I would like to add I did not bid, so this is not sour grapes. And if it's not a new player to the game then disregard my questions.
1) We don't explain any details of the game beyond supplying a rulebook and the resources available on the website, which includes the forum. As the rulebook is not as up to date as it should be and doesn't detail potential, players with potential could be missed if the manager doesn't go on the forum.
2) There was nothing suspicious about the sales. Anyone placed on the transfer list is free to be bidded on by all managers, and for the reason players being placed on the list have never been blocked before.
3) This isn't true for all managers, and not everyone plays the game the same way. If a new manager goes onto the forum he can see how transfer take place in that game.
4) Not letting a manager place added potential players on the list until his DC is 60% is a good idea, it will give them time to find out about the game. This is something we will add to the game.