
Blocked deals
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Author:  LUKE [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Blocked deals

be grateful for some clarity on this as seems to be a lot of deals being blocked.

1..if one player in deal has potential how much should other team pay to compensate for that.

2...if players have different number of sa how much should you pay to compensate that.

3....directors confidence what affect does that have.

4......finally yes for newer members some safeguard needs to be in place so they don't get ripped off but why do deals get blocked so much now, with points being a big thing in the game smaller teams are happy to swap average players with pot to bigger teams for better players but deals get blocked.
I tried 3 times to swap a young player for a higher rated more experienced player higher in value but because my guy had pot and 2x SA the deal kept getting blocked even though the other manager bid £15 mill over his max so confused

Author:  muscles4851 [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blocked deals

My understanding

1. Nothing

2. Nothing (it's in the values already)

3. More confidence results in more leeway to do deals. So if you don't mind losing 10 million, but only have 55% DC, likely the board will block it regardless if you're willing to lose it.
Until over 65% I'd match values close as possible.

4. My guess is the board seen that player as an integral part of your team. To important to lose. Once DC goes up you'll be ok to do it.

Author:  LUKE [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blocked deals

muscles4851 wrote:
My understanding

1. Nothing

2. Nothing (it's in the values already)

3. More confidence results in more leeway to do deals. So if you don't mind losing 10 million, but only have 55% DC, likely the board will block it regardless if you're willing to lose it.
Until over 65% I'd match values close as possible.

4. My guess is the board seen that player as an integral part of your team. To important to lose. Once DC goes up you'll be ok to do it.

Hi mate sort of had a conversation with Ben in passing and the impression I got was pot and sa does make a difference to value and as for him being important to the team I don't play him in fact he's in reserves

Author:  Admin [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blocked deals

1. It's not as simple as a certain amount of money will compensate for the added potential. To trade a potential player, you need to be getting a notably better and generally more valuable player in exchange, or another player with potential. If you want to sell a potential player for cash, use the transferlist.

2. SAs do contribute towards a player’s value.

3. Director's confidence allows you to overpay buy a certain amount, and makes directors less likely to block deals.

4 In the past, (and present to a lesser extent), managers have tried to get away with things. Selling their best players to a mate for min values. Exchanging a star player for 5 average players, to make up the values. Controlling a second side and transferring the best players to their main side. Doing this under a pseudonym. Deals have always been blocked, less now than in the past, partly due to less unfair deals being attempted. I still sometimes get complaints that unfair deals have happened, and that fair deals have been blocked, but significantly less than in the past. I am happy that that blocking system is doing a good job. I will always listen to feedback and it is occasionally tweaked, but it won't be made much more lenient or become stricter.

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