
Player Hogging.
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Author:  dunky [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  Player Hogging.

Firstly, no dig at anyone at all, and may not be entirely possible for UE to implement,

Is it possible for player's to request transfers? Some teams have managed to get really good players and well done for doing so, but to mirror real life in a way, could these player's become unhappy at not enough game time? could they make transfer requests when morale is very low?

Maybe even develop DIS/DRI as an SA at expense of a good one like FLA or COM. Keep the deals going and freshen games up time to time. Any opinions welcome.

Author:  Pezzer [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

It's not the fact people hog players bud - When you look at 119 especially you have 10-20 managers with 2+ teams.

Some having 4 - When your up against someone scouting 40 teams and your only getting 10 it's always going to be a lot harder to find decent players.

Ideally a team should only be able to buy from teams they specifically scouted that turn.

However it would be too hard for UE to manage this.

Author:  dunky [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Agree there, but even so, if Grant 20 teams McGrantFace gets lots of great players at his clubs, some should get unsettled, lose an SA for disruptive/drinker- the threat of losing millions in value could make more deals happen. Say he has Curtis Woodhouse 101OA 38PL FLA/COM not getting a game, he gets unsettled, asks for a transfer, doesn't happen within 3-4 turns, he loses and SA, becomes Disruptive, wipes half his value, could keep a game fresh.

As I say, just a thought while im on nights :D

Author:  muscles4851 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

There are certain managers in the game that have superstars rotting in the reserves, and when you approach them about a swap they demand your best player or two best players. They are in a position to strongarm you and they do which is their right obviously.

To have a superstar in the reserves and stay happy just because of his age, is not realistic and I would be in favour of something fixing this.

If this could be implemented or something similar implemented then I am in favour.

Only warning is the team must be given a chance to reassure the player or squad rotate.

Author:  dunky [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Spot on, the removal of an SA or a major plummet in stats would be a deterrent

Author:  Lee G [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

I wish I had superstars rotting in my reserves. It’s a decent idea but all we have to do is loan that player out.

Author:  muscles4851 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

I want to make myself a bit clearer on my position

What I am talking about is the very good players (high oa/pv/value) that stay in the reserves for a long time like a full season or 3/4 season, in any situation at the end of season that player would want a move or a loan.
Staying in the reserves for longer than a season would not only drop his moral in real life, it would hamper development and confidence.

I feel this would be good if reflected in the game. If possible.

Author:  dunky [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Lee G wrote:
I wish I had superstars rotting in my reserves. It’s a decent idea but all we have to do is loan that player out.

We'll make it so loans aren't acceptable!

Author:  muscles4851 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Loans need to nullify it to be fair. If a young very good player went on loan in real life he would probably be happy enough.

Author:  Math [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Please no more changes yet! :lol: ;)

Author:  themouth1888 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Can't really get on to people for not wanting to swap their players.

I'm well known for transferring everyone I get but even now I've got quite a few who are just not available.

I don't know anyone who's got superstars in their reserves 4th on but them losing and SA if rotting away is a good idea tho

Author:  muscles4851 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

There are teams in 117 with 37/38 PV - 98/99oa with dual SAs in their reserve and youth team. In real life players like this would be wanting out or a loan out.

Author:  andyjr [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Equivalent of those sort of players in real life even after half a season would be wanting. Jack Wilshire being an example

Author:  muscles4851 [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

The real question is can it be added to the game engine?
If so how would it be implemented?
Would it be worth implementing from Ben's perspective?

Author:  Kenny Nield [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

I've got a perfect example of a player I play Gonzalez in my Reserves as I went 1 up front been Raul and Gonzalez is pretty good 37 lf rf if 98oa with pot bad thing is he's already got dis and dri as his sa so could used him as an example of what could happen to your stars with fla com det etc.

Author:  Fadi [ Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Ive had a player join me and say his home sick and wants to leave had to loan him back to a club in that country.

Also had player vent frustration at lack of first team football.

So it is happening, just in a easier way to manage.

Author:  Admin [ Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

dunky wrote:
Firstly, no dig at anyone at all, and may not be entirely possible for UE to implement,

Is it possible for player's to request transfers? Some teams have managed to get really good players and well done for doing so, but to mirror real life in a way, could these player's become unhappy at not enough game time? could they make transfer requests when morale is very low?

Maybe even develop DIS/DRI as an SA at expense of a good one like FLA or COM. Keep the deals going and freshen games up time to time. Any opinions welcome.

I think this is a good idea. As Fadi says, players do complain about lack of first team football, being homesick, and do turn up late for training etc. There is chance players with the Dis SA can cause problems, and a small chance certain players with the 'Dri' SA may develop into something else. Maybe how often these things happen could be looked at. Quality players who are sitting in the reserves could request transfers more often, and could lose confidence more than they are. If you know of any good examples of these players, email them to the office. I'll look at making some adjustments for the new year.

Author:  rackydj [ Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

it might just be me..

but the term player hogging in a non real life game e.g players dont resemble the real world for a rating structure and where you are able 2 build players individually yourself pot/sa etc is crazy to me.. isnt that the point of being able to manage your res and youth sides to progress and build your own players?.. isnt that the purpose of ue and karma points..

there could be a 3 or 5 stage player concern level where a player moves on if they aint playing a certain percentage of first team games per season.. unhappy at being loaned out etc but honestly i think its not really a big issue and kinda plays against some of the games big additions eg ue, karma etc..

i understand it would resemble the real world more but in a game where grant hanley can be 98 rated.. why not put effort in to build your own grant hanley if you get what i mean.. theyll be alot more headacke from people building players and loosing them to concerns than the actual issue of hogging in the first place imo..

concerns are best left imo.. this aint the real world ask grant hanley and his 98 rating and not ment in a bad way :) ..

Author:  dunky [ Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

It was more of a suggestion to keep a flow of deals going, transfers are the main part of the game, more transfers- more activity.

If someone new joins and has an average team, and say Blackburn Reserves have a grant hanley knocking about, not getting a game, but manager isn't willing to sell, that could be an opportunity for the new guy to sign someone to bolster his squad, in turn keeping him in UE, not getting frustrated and leaving because he can't improve his side. I bet loads join but leave as they can't get any deals going. UE want to retain new members, Good for the game.

Author:  dunky [ Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Player Hogging.

Pezzer wrote:
It's not the fact people hog players bud - When you look at 119 especially you have 10-20 managers with 2+ teams.

Some having 4 - When your up against someone scouting 40 teams and your only getting 10 it's always going to be a lot harder to find decent players.

Ideally a team should only be able to buy from teams they specifically scouted that turn.

However it would be too hard for UE to manage this.

Maybe if you have more than one team, make it so only 1 team can get the full 10 scouting option, bar the other 3, brings the advantage back down.

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